ds 106: Play DJ & Make A Song (again!)(4.5 stars)

Back at it again with another song! This time I focused much more on making an ambient track rather than a fully fledged song, and I’m pretty happy with the end result. I wanted something that you’d hear as the backing music to a graveyard or haunted woods at night, and put together a bunch of different elements from all sorts of songs and tracks to come up with this piece. I based this off of an old music tournament submission I made a long time ago, and edited it heavily to make it more ambient and less of a traditional song.

I used an online sequencer called Beepbox to make this track and nothing else. I browsed an embarrassing amount of spooky dark forest ambiance tracks on Youtube for my inspiration as well as a handful of songs from niche places, such as a Starbound mod called Frackin Universe and artists like Crywolf and RIOT who are amazing at building scenes with their music. Lots of reverb, lots of background noises, and a whole lot of bass and sub bass. Having these alone can fill out an empty track and give it space, and the extra noises and actual notes can keep the emphasis while not drowning out the other elements of the song. The track itself plays twice and is actually made to loop infinitely, But for the sake of making it sound nice and not going on forever I made a simple ending for it. I wanted this to make the feeling of Hollowgrove feel like a horror game. Of course there aren’t just horror aspects to it, and if it ever came to light I’d tag it with horror but wouldn’t consider it a full on horror game. The setting, the creatures and the characters are all meant to be unsettling to some extent though, and this is a great way to help instill that feeling in my audience.

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