© 2024 Hollowgrove
#tdc3817 #ds106 They're surprised the tv still works after all this time. It was a hand-me-down from someone's cousin who said it didn't work, and after Tom hit it by tripping and trying to steady himself the screen flickered to life.— Em B (@eggstve) June 25, 2022
#tdc3817 #ds106 They're surprised the tv still works after all this time. It was a hand-me-down from someone's cousin who said it didn't work, and after Tom hit it by tripping and trying to steady himself the screen flickered to life.
#tdc3816 #ds106A glass space lined with dirt, filled with carefully placed bones and plastic flowers. A green water bowl filled with small river rocks takes up the center, next to the antler that the hognose loves to hide under so much.— Em B (@eggstve) June 25, 2022
#tdc3816 #ds106A glass space lined with dirt, filled with carefully placed bones and plastic flowers. A green water bowl filled with small river rocks takes up the center, next to the antler that the hognose loves to hide under so much.
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